.Welcome to Day Three of the revamped Art Infliction.

The marathon sped up a bit, as we had over 400 hits on Day Two. And we are confident that more hits will come.

We have new content to report about today, with WYSIWYG Wednesday getting its inaugural entry and the Pencil, Oil, Chalk page getting a new picture added to its gallery as getting a grammatical correction.

Twitter Tuesday has ended, but that doesn't mean that the featured product promotion has, because we have extended it for an additional five days in our Twitter Tuesday Extension widget.

And speaking of widgets, we have added much needed clarity for people who see this site via their computers as well as their phones. You can find the clarification on both our FAQs page and our Suggestions page.

And finally, the Ranks-A-Lot section has updated, as the movie Whiteout has been added to the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention subpage of that section.

Well, that's all for now.

Enjoy and until tomorrow, thank you for tuning into The Nog.


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